As we approached the next unit in Modern American history, I decided to have students input information about each president covered in the unit by using wikispaces. As I discussed the project with a colleague, I decided to test the age old question: is technology more efficient than god old human hard work? Can John Henry lay track faster or can the Steel Hammer. Does technology help students reach learning goals more efficiently or is the "old school" way still more tried and true?
Both techniques require students to collect the same type of information about each president: Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Woodrow Wilson. Students must examine each president's domestic and foreign policy, and research specific aspects such as party politics, legislation.... The "John Henry" version of the assignment is what I have done the last 2 years: using the textbook to fill in a presidential report card for each leader. "John Henry" students may only work in groups of 2 and may only use the textbook. As a side note, the information on these presidents is spread out over 5 chapters! There are a specific number of events that must be included in each category. The "Steel Hammer" students may collaborate with all other Steel Hammers but may not use the textbook. There is no minimum require for points in each category.
Students were told of all these restrictions and, while the process was different, the assessment would be the same. One class chose their groups. The room was divided with 18 John Henry's and 11 steel hammers. More to come as kids choose their groups and get to work.
Course work reflection: I chose to structure the assignment using wikispaces because the wikis provided a collaboration tool for students to construct their understanding of the three U.S. presidents. The NETS standards for students emphasize:
1) Creativity and Innovation
2) Communication and Collaboration
3) Research and Information Fluency
4) Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
5) Digital Citizenship, and
6) Technology Operations and Concepts.
The research side of the assignment emphasizes standards 3 and 4, which also happen to be part of the national and PA state social studies standards. The inclusion of the wiki introduces standards 2, 5, 6 and opens the door to standard 1. I offered the option of collaborating with the wiki verse using the textbook/packet method to compare the impact of technology and collaboration on student learning. The choice was also intended to address a concern many students had regarding previous assignments. Students have experienced a very constructivist classroom since the beginning of the year. Many of my honors students have expressed concerns that indicate they have been trained in a more cognitivist manner throughout their high school careers. They are good at writing the number of facts, lines, and pages required by an assignment. They are also comfortable controlling their own final product and not having to collaborate with others. My hope is we will be able to compare the strengths and weaknesses of the 2 processes. The purpose of this pilot 1:1 classroom is to critically consider the impact 21st century technology and pedagogy has on our 20th century curriculum. Student reactions to this modified assignment will be key in our overall assessment of the program.