This post is for reflective thoughts about implementing my mindtool:
I was pleasantly surprised how at ease students were when I presented the project. I explained what a Cognitive Flexibility Hyperlink was and how they would approach the assignment. Not a single student in the 3 American History classes blinked! A month or 2 ago, they would have moaned and groaned, rolled their eyes, asked for a lecture instead. I believe they have become so accustom to trial and error, hard work and perseverance when it comes to using technology, that they know they can do it. I also believe that they have finally taken to heart my mantra: "Trust me."
We are only 3 days in to the assignment, but the groups have divided up their responsibilities and begin creating their perspectives. These projects will come out well and students will truly be intellectually engaged in learning. The CFH requires students to reflect on what they are researching and how to synthesize something brand new.
One stumbling block with the project: Google docs! It is a great program for collaboration, but it does not allow you to create slide-to-slide hyperlinks. These links are the heart and soul of the CFH, so we have reverted to only using Powerpoint. Perhaps in the near future, Google will create a presentation program that allows this flexibility.
I know this is a project I will use in the future, because several students who do not consider themselves "tech-savvy" have said they really enjoy this challenge and love creating the perspectives.
Connections to Wallflower
As I delve more deeply into my independent reading book, I find that I am
more like the character then I thought. He has developed relationships with
15 years ago