Thursday, October 25, 2007

Surfing the blogs

The first assignment in EdTech 566 was to take a look at various educational blogs tagged in the professor's page and reflect on the current buzz in educational technology. I was surprised and excited to see the first tagged page belonged to a former colleague, Joyce Valenza.
I was encouraged to see she was blogging about what we are trying to do in my Political Science and American History classes. After reading some of her ideas I was left with personal frustration. I feel there is so much more I can do and am frustrated that I still need to overcome my own learning curve before I feel I can be truly effective.


Kevin said...

I share your frustrating with overcoming the learning curve. There is so much out on the web, and it requires so much time to learn all this technology.

Oscar Sosa said...

I hear you's the tsunami... learn what is important to you... and enjoy it... similar to cable tv... pick a few good shows...